Company Policies
Madison Metal Processing will provide cost competitive products and services of outstanding quality to our customers. We strive to consistently meet the requirements of all our interested parties each working day.
Top management is committed to the ISO 9001 and IATF16949 requirements in support of our strategic direction and as outlined by our quality manual, quality scope, quality context, quality procedures, customer-oriented process, kaizen activities and continual improvement of the quality management systems and process.
Top management provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objective through the process of management review.
To accomplish this and be a significant contributor to the success of Madison Metal Processing, all team members shall undertake operate accordance with the ISO 001 and IATF-16949 standards and the following principles:
S-Service that positively impacts community and environment
T-Team Work to share responsibilities, empower and respect
E-Ethical Behavior and Adherence to Code of Conduct
P-Perfect Oriented in all aspects of our business
S-Satisfy the customer’s needs
Madison Metal Processing is committed to ensuring and protecting the health and safety of its most valuable resources: its team members. This commitment will be fulfilled through our Health and Safety policies and procedures, and in compliance with all applicable federal and state regulations. To ensure program effectiveness, these policies and procedures will be reviewed annually and maintained through a safety audit process. Health and safety are a shared commitment. Each manager is responsible for the development and implementation of an effective work system within their operation. However, it is everyone’s responsibility to not only recognize but also report hazards in the workplace, to protect and accept responsibility for their own safety while working in our facilities, and to respect the Health and Safety policies of the company. At Madison Metal Processing, LLC, safety is imperative and will take priority in all areas of our business. It is the company’s belief that incidents are preventable and that an incident-free environment is achievable. Through continuous, cooperative team efforts, a positive culture will be created to help meet our goal of ANZEN FIRST.
- As good corporate citizens, and in harmony with our Code of Conduct and Ethics (COCE), we will carry out our business activities in consideration of the Earth’s environment, constantly aiming to preserve our natural surroundings, conserve energy and recycle resources. In addition, we will take every step to ensure that our activities do not pollute the environment.
- In collaboration with our customers and associated companies, we will seek to make practical use of industrial waste, actively promoting environmentally related business, such as resource conservation. Through these efforts, we aim to contribute to the realization of a recycling-based economy.
- In our business activities, we will observe all environmentally related laws and regulations and industry standards, and any requirements with which we fully concur.
- We will maintain our environmental management system to implement and constantly evaluate our environmental protection activities and will demonstrate creativity in targeting continuous improvement in all environmental endeavors.
- Through internal education programs, we will promote a thorough understanding of our environmental policy, thereby raising the environmental awareness of our entire staff.